Get to know Web Development: Definition, Types, and Work Stages

Web Development – The mid-1990s was a historic moment for the creation of a technology called the website. Since then, many people have started to know about the process of creating a website under the name web development or web programming.

Thanks to people who work on website development, or commonly called web developers, by the end of 2021 there will already be nearly 2 billion websites circulating on the internet.

This fact is reinforced by the increasing awareness of industry players to have a website as a medium to online their business so they can carry out business processes that are easier and global in nature.

Many technology observers believe that web development is a process that will continue as long as the internet is functioning. Therefore, it is very important to at least know that web development is a science that is beneficial to oneself and others.

If you are interested in learning the science of making this website, understand that the learning process should not be arbitrary. There are quite a number of basic concepts and processes that you must understand.

So, don’t worry, because DomaiNesia will help you understand website development in detail in a language that is easy for you to understand. Check this out!

What is Web Development?

Get to know Web Development Definition, Types, and Work Stages

The term web development consists of two main words, namely web and development. Web refers to any website application, web page, or online resource that functions via the internet.

While development means building something from scratch. So, when interpreted in full, web development is an effort to build, create and maintain applications that work via the internet such as websites.

The nature of the website developed also varies, ranging from simple to complex dynamic websites. The concept of web development covers aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management.

In more detail, website development includes all development tasks behind the scenes on the internet, such as:

  • Client-side Scripting
  • Server-side Scripting
  • Server and network security configuration
  • E-commerce development
  • Content Management System (CMS)

Understanding the basics of web development is like our helper in the midst of the rigors of the times driven by sophisticated online technologies.

Types of Web Development

Website development consists of three divisions or sections, namely front-end development (client-side development), back-end development (client-side development), and full-stack development.

All three have different jobdesk but have one goal, which is to produce a website that functions well on the internet.

The following is a description of each of the areas of web development.

1. Front-End Development

Front-end Web Development is the process of developing the part of the website that interacts directly with the user, known as the front-end. Developers are also familiar with the term front-end as “client side” or the front side of the application.

Developers who handle the front-end part of the website are called front-end developers. During the client-side web development process, developers design and develop visual aspects, such as layout, navigation, graphic elements, and other aesthetics.

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Developers can complete these web development tasks by creating HTML, CSS and JavaScript source code collaboratively. The goal of front-end web development is for developers to be able to build an interface that helps users achieve their goals in accessing the web.

2. Back End Development

If the front-end is the part of the website that the user sees through the screen, then the back-end website is different. The term back-end represents the server side of a website.

So, Back-end Web Development is the process of building a website from “behind the scenes” that users cannot see, such as server operating systems, databases, APIs, and security systems.

Of course the development process must work together with the front-end so that the website can be used by users perfectly. For example, user process data when buying an item will be managed and stored in a database.

Back-end development can be completed with code scripts from PHP, Java, Python, and Perl with the help of frameworks and coding platforms such as Ruby on Rails,  ASP.NET, and Node.js.

3. Full Stack Development

When the two development sides above are combined, a full stack development environment becomes. The meaning of the word Stack refers to a different technology that handles different functionality in one website, starting from interfaces, servers, databases, and so on.

So if interpreted, full stack web development is the process of website development from the interface and server side which is carried out by one developer, namely the full stack developer.

The developer must be able to create a website from start to finish and maintain front and back side (server) system work.

The need for full stack development in Indonesia is still small due to the demands of job desks and responsibilities that need to be understood over the years.

So, if you like the world of programming and want to develop your career, the opportunities to become a full stack developer are still quite a lot and promising.

Web Development Process

As the definition states that web development is a process of creating or creating a website. Therefore you and other developers must carry out several stages of activity.

The following are the most important steps of the web development process that can ensure a professional level of website creation.

1. Planning

Planning is the stage of selecting various software development technologies and methodologies, defining objectives, and estimating the duration of time and resources to complete the project. This activity was motivated by needs analysis and problem identification so that they finally decided to build a website.

The planning process is closely related to communication between members of the developer team and stakeholders so that there is no miscommunication while starting to design and technically manufacture the web.

That way you can create a website roadmap, priority list, and arrange a web development schedule from start to finish in as much detail as possible. You can use software like Microsoft Visio and Asana to help with the planning process.

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2. Designing

After planning the roadmap and getting all the information that supports website creation, the next step in web development is  website design. The design or drafting process explains the uniqueness of a website and is a factor for creating a pleasant user experience.

This is where the UI Designer starts working to design web appearances in the form of wireframes. Of course with the approval of the developer and stakeholders.

Wireframe is synonymous with a black-and-white design on paper or wireframing applications such as Adobe XD, Figma, Justinmind, and Sketch.

You can also carry out optional activities in the design after the wireframe in the form of making mockups and prototypes. Both are the result of designs with a more colorful, realistic, and interactive display for a clearer presentation of design designs.

3. Implementation (Coding)

The implementation stage in web development is the same as the process of compiling program code with  various programming languages  ​​and frameworks.

This step will be fully handled by the front-end developer in collaboration with the back-end developer or directly by the full stack developer. You can start coding if all the design plans have been approved by the stakeholders.

The implementation stage of this coding will turn the wireframe into a real website project with elements of typography, color graphics, animations, buttons, menus and other elements.

Apart from display elements, you also need to develop information content as the main aspect of web development goals.

Tools that you can use to create website program code are WordPress or a local code editor with the help of Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Sublime, PHPMyAdmin, and others.

4. Testing & Deployment (Test and Deployment)

Right before you set the website to connect to the server, there must be rigorous, thorough, and repeated testing stages to detect whether there are bugs in the system.

Usually the development team will independently test functionality, usability, compatibility, performance, and so on. If needed, they can ask for testing assistance from other stakeholders or development teams.

The development team must test all code scripts, ensuring that the website loads and performs flawlessly on all devices and platforms.

Finally, depending on the usage of the website, the development team may need to include some detailed adjustments to optimize its functionality and performance.

This final touch can include installing plugins, on-page Search Engine Optimization, optimizing web page speed, to using domains and hosting.

5. Post-Deployment and Maintenance

Eits, don’t think the website development stage is over. Because, there is still a lot that you and other developers have to do after launching or distributing a website. Starting from website maintenance, general updates, and even adding new features if needed at any time.

The essence of the maintenance stage as the final stage of web development is to continue to support and improve the website along with its journey and needs on the internet.

Web Development Concept Facts

Now let’s dive into some interesting facts about website development and web design.

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First Impression Is Last Impression

It takes less than a second for a user to rate an organization via its web page. Therefore, it is very important to create a first impression for everyone who opens a web page.

You create a website with adequate background themes, fonts, icon designs, color combinations, the right animations (if needed), layouts, as well as maintaining the parts of web pages properly.

Web Development Is “Easy, Easier, Easiest” Programming

Web development uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and attractive websites much easier than developing software or android apps.

This is because the program code for making applications or software must be programmed according to the platform.

Related to SEO

Many developers out there don’t pay attention to this point while coding. Even though every part of the website code has a big impact in influencing the reach of the web page.

So the source code must be written with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind which increases the website’s ranking on search engines. Page titles and meta tags should be focused during development.

You Can Learn Web Development In 1 Week!

Studying web development is not a difficult matter. Due to the fact that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript script languages ​​are much simpler than programming languages ​​for software development.

Things can be learned in 1 week, it all comes back to your seriousness.

Mobile-Friendly Websites Are Important

According to research reports, most users access web pages through smartphones. Apart from the fact that the smartphone must be taken anywhere by the user, users can more easily operate the website in one hand.

So, you need to make your website as responsive as possible with CSS Flexbox or other tags that resize web pages according to screen ratio.

Web Development Is The Main Foundation Of Generating Quality Websites!

Basically the complexity of implementing web development depends on what website you want to make. Especially now that creating websites that are user friendly and long term has become the main thing that web developers think about.

Therefore, web development must have a plan, design, implementation stage, up to a mature evaluation. Even though it seems complicated with all the challenges, studying web development is a promising future investment.

So, there’s nothing to lose to start learning from now on by reading this article to the end. If any of your friends or relatives are starting to learn web development, don’t forget to recommend this article for reading.

Hopefully the information from us is useful for you and excited to learn new things!

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