What is E-Learning? Definition, Types, Benefits and Examples

You are certainly familiar with the term e-learning, but do you know what it really means? If you have ever participated in online learning and training, this is actually included in the e-learning category. Broadly speaking, e-learning is the use of electronic devices for the learning and education process.

Learning from social media platforms such as Youtube and blogs, may be common practice. However, now there are also websites that have been created specifically with the aim of becoming an online learning site platform. In this article, Dewaweb will discuss the meaning of e-learning, benefits, types and examples of online learning sites that can be accessed to increase knowledge and skills.

Check it out below!

Definition of E-Learning

What is E-Learning Definition, Types, Benefits and Examples

Basically, e-learning is electronic learning or teaching and learning process that is done online. When viewed from the word order, e-learning is a combination of two words, namely electronic and learning. So it can be concluded that this learning method utilizes information technology to distribute material to its users.

As mentioned above, a system of formal learning and teaching with the help of computers, tablets or even mobile phones can be called e-learning. The learning process now does not have to always be in the classroom.

Therefore, as long as you use computers and the internet to access the lessons, you are already doing e-learning activities. E-learning can also be said to be a network that allows the sharing of knowledge and the delivery of education to a large number of recipients at the same or different times.

Maybe at first, e-learning was not taken seriously because there was no human element needed in the learning process. However, with the development of technology and the education system itself, e-learning has begun to be accepted by the public.

With the increasing number of device users who have become part of the learning process, books in physical form are starting to be replaced with various electronic educational materials such as e-books and the use of PowerPoint slides. Apart from that, more and more knowledge is being shared through various platforms on the internet such as YouTube and blogs. This makes these materials easily accessible anywhere and anytime.

Of course, the traditional concept of teaching with the help of books and in the classroom is still important. But the effectiveness of technology-based learning cannot be taken lightly. The human brain can easily remember with the help of videos and pictures.

In addition, visuals have also been proven to help attract students’ attention. Information obtained from visual presentations is also usually stored in the human brain for a longer time. Various sectors, including agriculture, medicine, education, services, business, and government in various countries have started to adapt to the concept of e-learning and this can help the development of education.

Types of E-Learning

Before this, people thought that e-learning could only be done by using presentation tools like Prezi or making a video. Over time, e-learning has taken many forms to be effective for different audiences.

Not only for the audience, each learning context requires different requirements in making e-learning. There are educational materials that may be conveyed simply by using a presentation. There are also educational materials that may require interactive modules to make it easier for students to understand. While there are many types of e-learning, they basically fall into three types:

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Dominated by Text

E-learning at this level is simple in content and includes text, graphics, some audio, and simple test questions. Content that commonly uses this format is content that aims to present learning and test learners quickly after the learning process. Text-based courses rarely have an interactive component, there is no gamification, and images are used sparingly. PowerPoint files converted to elearning often fall into this category.


A typical interactive e-learning course has a format similar to that of text-based e-learning. But there are more elements put in the course to make the discussion more interesting. Even visually, this type of elearning also uses more visuals such as graphics, charts and diagrams which can encourage the interactive aspect. This type of interactive e learning usually uses video.


Simulation e-learning is also a type of elearning that is interactive and utilizes graphics, video and audio. There are often special simulations to aid learning gains, which may also include a 3d component. New software training is an example of a course that often involves high levels of interactivity and simulation. It is not unusual for this simulation to be accompanied by some kind of controlled “test” environment.

E-learning that is “heavy” with simulations emphasizes depiction of concepts through various media, usually starting with text and graphics, with audio, and video examples. After that, there is often a “try-it” mode where the user can practice new skills, potentially earning achievements or points along the way.

Benefits of E-Learning

E-learning itself has been used by various multinational companies to conduct training programs for their employees. This can be done by including online learning elements in special seminars for the company’s employees. In addition, schools have also started to provide access to elearning for their students so they can study anywhere and anytime.

E-learning offers a variety of advantages that you may not find in traditional ways of learning. Here are some of the benefits of e learning:

Can be an asynchronous or synchronous activity

Traditionally, e-learning is asynchronous, meaning there is no set time for learning to take place. Everyone can go at their own pace, and take the time to learn what they need to know, when they need to know it. However, more synchronous e learning is now offered via web conferencing and chat options. The great thing about elearning is that it gives you the choice of doing one thing or both.

Easily accessible

 E-learning can be placed on the internet and can be easily accessed by many people in the world. You don’t need to come to another country or schedule a meeting in a different time zone. In addition, this method can be learned through various devices. Online classes can be accessed via computers, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that elearning lessons can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

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Study as needed

With e learning, you can choose what topics you want to study yourself. You don’t need to take a long class to learn one specific topic you want to learn. E-learning also usually doesn’t last long because elearning has to be interesting.

More efficient

E-learning is also more efficient because you don’t need to organize a training session where sometimes you need to wait until the number of participants reaches a certain number so you can run the training session. With e-learning, all you have to do is distribute it electronically to millions of people.

Cost is relatively cheaper

Of course, e-learning also doesn’t cost as much as making offline events. Whether you create an elearning course or take one, it’s bound to cost less.

Consistent quality of content

E-learning courses usually have consistent quality content. With offline classes, the state of the room can affect the learning conditions, but with elearning, you don’t have to worry about these things. You can create consistent content and if you access the content, the quality of e learning is usually consistent because e-learning creators have sufficient time to create their content.

Examples of E-Learning Learning

For those of you who are interested in using e-learning to learn new things, you don’t need to worry because we have collected several examples of online learning learning sites. The sites on this list have different learning topics. Starting from IT to language. What do you think? Check it out below!


This example of an e-learning learning site offers various courses from many universities. One of the things that sets edX apart from other online learning websites is the duration of the program. If you have signed up, you mean that you are committed to following all the lessons and doing the assignments.

They will give you a class schedule and if you have passed the learning period, you will not be able to access the class materials. You can enroll in classes offered by well-known universities such as Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, and many more. If you are looking for classes that are relaxed and you can join in your spare time, then this might be the website for you.


Coursera is one example of e-learning that offers Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs. You can find various subjects from many famous universities such as Princeton, Duke, Stanford, and CalTech. Just like EdX, the classes you take also have a validity period, usually you can access the files for 10-14 weeks. With more than 1 million users, Coursera is often referred to as the most complete website for free online learning sites.


Udemy is one example of e-learning with an online institution that offers a variety of classes. Classes on Udemy are also taught by people who are experts in their fields. You can learn from topics such as product development, SQL databases, Photoshop, music theory, business, and many more.

Udemy also allows people with certain knowledge to create their own classes so you also have to be selective and careful in choosing your lessons. In each class, there will be a bio for each instructor. Apart from that, they also provide a user review area to rate the class and share opinions about the class.

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For programmers, Stack Overflow can be an e-learning site worth trying. If you want to learn programming, Stack Overflow is the right e learning platform, you can ask directly if you have any questions. Stack Overflow has a lot of users so it’s guaranteed not to wait long for answers.


Still about coding and programming, you can try using Codeacademy. On this e-learning learning site, you can learn various programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and Python. E learning conducted at Codeacademy is very interactive.

These sample elearning sites make programming easy to learn, fun, and useful for beginners. This site is intended more for beginners so that the depth of the material is also adjusted for beginners. If you’re just looking for introductory knowledge of the subject, Codeacademy could be the right choice.


Lumosity is an e-learning website dedicated to improving mental abilities such as memory, attention and analytical skills. Indeed this website may look like a gaming site. But these fun games aim to train the brain.

Apart from that, Lumosity also offers a personal training program so you can adjust the training time according to your needs and desires. You can also see the progress that has been made. The purpose of this website is to train the sharpness of the brain and indeed this website can be said to be quite addictive.


Duolingo is an example of e-learning for learning foreign languages. Duolingo offers a variety of foreign languages ​​that many learn, such as English, Spanish, German, Korean, French and so on. Duolingo provides 26 languages ​​that are ready to be learned, 4 languages ​​are in beta phase, and 4 languages ​​are still in the “hatching” process. This website really makes learning a language fun. Duolingo is also free to use!

Already Know What is E-Learning?

E-learning is an electronic learning method that is carried out online. As online education grows, so will the opportunities for people to continue learning. Increasingly, traditional universities are also starting to see the need to reduce tuition costs and keep students interested in their programs.

For those of you who want to share knowledge, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to create learning programs that are dynamic and easily accessible anytime and anywhere. E-learning provides an opportunity for people to teach various knowledge and skills in an easy and fun way so that their students won’t get bored either.

Hope this article helps you, best of luck online!

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